In 2018 the Federal Government in partnership with Beyond Blue, launched Be You,which builds on the learnings and success of initiatives such as KidsMatter.The Be You initiative supports the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people from the early years to 18, across every learning community.

‘Be You’ fosters a mentally healthy learning community by: Be You

  • Promoting the development of mentally healthy learning communities.
  • Fostering partnerships with families and community.
  • Building educators’ capacity to teach skills for wellbeing and resilience.
  • Guiding educators to support children and young people experiencing mental health issues.
  • Supporting communities back to mental health following a critical incident.

As part of our school’s ongoing commitment to improving the mental health and wellbeing of all members of our learning community, we have made a commitment to be part of the Be You initiative. This enables us to access a range of resources, including professional learning for staff as well as a range of tools, advice and support in creating a mentally healthy learning community for everyone.

Be You

Be You is committed to bringing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
perspectives and ways of doing to its materials, resources and experiences.

Information for families

Fact sheets on a variety of topics related to mental health and wellbeing are also available for families by click here.Be You and Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue’s ‘Healthy Families’ website also has lots of information for parents and carers on supporting their children’s (and their own) mental health and wellbeing.