Newington Primary School offers a vibrant and engaging education to our students. Our school community has a shared goal of providing for all aspects of each child’s academic, social, physical and emotional development. We want our school to be a safe place, where our students feel that they are valued, a place where they can thrive.
At Newington Primary School, our students are encouraged to appreciate the community around them and to see themselves as global citizens. In addition to acquiring knowledge, they are encouraged to respect and show compassion for others. Our students are fostered to communicate effectively and work collaboratively with others. As an authorised Primary Years Programme (PYP) - International Baccalaureate®, our curriculum is built upon 21st century thinking where all facets of education are connected and interwoven.
Our students are immersed in a learning culture strengthened by encouragement, positive relationships, and a challenging curriculum that inspires creative and critical thinking. Inquiry-based learning is blended with other trusted teaching approaches to ensure that children receive instruction in all learning areas that is tailored to meet their needs.
Acknowledgement of Country
We would like to acknowledge the Wadawurrung People, who are the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we come to learn.
We thank them and their ancestors for looking after this land for thousands of years, and for their kindness and courage in sharing it with us in the present.